This is

Work Experience

Software Engineer Intern

  • AI Spera provides data-driven security services and is a subsidiary company of NHN Entertainment Corporation
  • Was in charge of Back-end Development of the project called "The Minsim" by developing RESTful APIs, micro-services (sentiment analysis, trend visualization with word cloud, daily report), and social media data collecting programs with Python, Flask, uWSGI, NGINX, gevent, Zabbix, Postman, AWS EC2 Ubuntu, AWS RDS MySQL, and AWS S3.
  • Was in charge of Back-end Development of the project called "NoScam" by developing RESTful APIs with Python, Flask, JWT, uWSGI, NGINX, gevent, Zabbix, Postman, GCE, AWS EC2 Ubuntu, AWS RDS MySQL, and AWS Lambda.
  • Architectured, built, and maintained Elastic Search, Logstash, Kibana, and Filebeat infrastructure
  • Developed security issue detection program with Python, Elastic Search, Logstash, and Filebeat
  • Wrote a Bash script for automatic Filebeat installation and configuration
  • Built malicious domain and IP collecting programs in Python multiprogramming system
Aug 2018 - Aug 2019


Stony Brook University

B.S. in Computer Science
Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Fall 2017, Spring 2018 Dean's List
Overall Grade Point Average(GPA): 3.84 / 4.0
Relevant Courses
  • Analysis of Algorithm
  • Computer Networks
  • Computer Security Fundamentals
  • Data Structures
  • Foundations of Computer Science
  • Internet Programming
  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
  • Introduction to Visualization
  • Introduction to the Theory of Computation
  • Java Project Course
  • Machine Learning
  • Principles of Database Systems
  • System Fundamentals 1 (MIPS)
  • System Fundamentals 2 (Linux, C language)
  • Technical Communications
2016 - 2020
Stony Brook, NY


Prog. Language Web Tech ML Tech Version Control Editor
Python HTML Keras Git PyCharm
Java CSS Tensorflow SVN Eclipse
C Ajax Github Netbeans
JavaScript NGINX Bitbucket Visual Studio Code
PHP Apache Gitlab
R Flask Sublime Text
OS DBMS Platform Language Other Tech
Windows MySQL AWS Korean Elastic Search
Linux Postgres JIRA English Logstash
Confluence Kibana
Splunk Filebeat